
How to wear a bucket hat with style

Amazing Printed Denim Unisex Bucket Hat

How to wear a bucket hat with style

You can easily see a man or a woman wearing a bucket hat on various occasions. A bucket hat is most commonly seen in a garden or a fishing spot. It is also spotted in many youthful festivals and carnivals. It appears on the beach, in the mountain or in the park, practically everywhere. You might even be surprised to know that you can see some of these hats in the office as well. Some tips about how to wear a bucket hat.

Here are some suggested looks you can try with your bucket hat:

1. Casual Look

Perhaps the most common way to use your bucket hat is to use it with your normal daily casual style. Since it is the most popular look, there are a lot of modifications and varieties for you to try as well.

how to wear a bucket hatFor the top, you can go with a simple T-shirt. In case it is a little bit cooler, probably in the autumn, wear a sweatshirt. Combine these top with a pair of Jeans. A more casual option is a pair of joggers or shorts. On the opposite, wear a pair of chinos to create a smarter look. The best footwear is a pair of trainers.

Color is the thing that you need to pay attention to here. To play it safe, you can wear a bucket hat with a plain, solid dark color such as black. Or you can color match your bucket hat with one piece of your clothing.

If you want your look to be more colorful and playful, you can wear a bucket hat in floral prints, tonal prints or stripes. You can also try a neon-colored hat to look even bolder. However, make sure that you don’t wear a lot of neon colors in your clothes; otherwise, you might end up looking like a clown and that is for sure.

2. Street Look

bucket hat blogs
If you want to create a bolder and more unique look than just your casual style, take a look at how you can incorporate your bucket hat with your street-inspired outlook.

With this style, you are free to try different colors with also different and unique patterns. Keep in mind that no matter what colors you are wearing in your bucket hat, to make your appearance look as smooth and stylish, make sure the color of the hat still matches with one piece of your clothing such as your pair of joggers. Alternatively, your bucket hat’s color can match with the color of other pieces of your accessories such as your footwear or your bag.

And don’t think that men can’t wear floral. In fact, it is totally ok to wear floral and a floral bucket is one of the trendiest items you can have in 2017. It does not make you girly but surely helps you catch a lot of attention with a trendy and fashionable look.

3. Smart Look

how to wear a bucket hat
Finally, you can even wear a bucket hat with your smart outfit. Some of you might be skeptical about wearing such an informal hat along with a smart and formal outlook. But it is easier than what you might think about. You can wear a bucket hat with a sweater in the autumn or an Oxford shirt in the summer to create a bold and unique smart look.

Of course, when incorporating an informal hat to less formal pieces of clothing, you should choose a plain solid bucket hat with no pattern. The best choices would be black or white bucket hat.

Here are some final tips to make sure you can wear your bucket hat properly:

  • Although you can incorporate your bucket hat into your smart outfit of the day, you should never wear a bucket hat to a formal event such as wedding, funerals or church services.
  • A bucket hat is suitable for all hairstyles, no matter whether your hair is short, long or curly as it can have wide coverage and a classic no dressy style.

I hope that with all of the tips above, you could be able to find the one bucket hat that suits your needs and preferences. I also believe that with the guides of the outfits you can wear with a bucket hat, you can have a lot of different looks with a simple bucket hat, whether when it is summer or fall.

For the latest bucket hat, you can contact us.

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